
The Header section encompasses essential elements for navigation and branding. It prominently displays the Logo for brand recognition. Below, the Mega Menu offers comprehensive navigation options, facilitating easy access to various sections. A Search Box enables quick product discovery, while strategically placed Links provide direct access to key pages, ensuring seamless user interaction.

Global Elements

Logo design is the icon that symbolically represents the company. It is the identifying emblem that people will recognise first and foremost that stands proud as a statement of the website, and online presence of the company.

Mega Menu

A Mega Menu provides an extensive content panel, activated by user interaction with a menu item. It can include Sub-Menu items and widgets, enhancing navigation efficiency. Each sub-menu is categorized under a Sub Menu title, streamlining content organization for users. Mega Menu

A Search Box (or search field) is a design pattern which allows the users to enter Search Terms in a system. As a result, the system returns content related to their input. The Search Box typically appears somewhere along the top of a Search Result, website, application or database, to ensure it is visible within the overall design. Close Search This action allows users to exit the search interface and return to the main content area of the website or application. Search Box

Link is an item like a word or button that points to another location. When you click on a Link, the link will take you to the target of the Link, which may be a Profile Panel, CTA links. Websites use hyperlinks as a way to navigate online content. Links

Footer is the section of content at the very bottom of a web page. It typically contains a copyright notice, link to a privacy policy, sitemap, logo, contact information, social media icons, and an email sign-up form. In short, a footer contains information that improves a website's overall usability. Footer