AI For B2B Retail Customer Support & Engagement: A Good Option?

AI For B2B Retail Customer Support & Engagement: A Good Option?
Note: AI For B2B customer support & engagement
AI For B2B Retail Customer Support & Engagement: A Good Option?

Aditi Tripathi

Content Writer

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Yes, in the rumpus of the B2B retail landscape, it’s crucial for businesses to keep their clients engaged and feel supported. But here’s a fact: it’s not easy. Talking traditionally, it has taken a lot of manual labour and exhaustion to keep up with the ever-changing business demands. But thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) the B2B retail industry is going through a major transformation.

Did you know that a whopping 62% of customers prefer using a chatbot over speaking to a human agent? And why wouldn't they when it's often faster?

For businesses that understand the power of providing a seamless and personalised buyer experience, AI is proving to be a super-smart assistant that never gets tired and has a knack for understanding customer needs. With AI, B2B retailers can skip the late-night inquiries from clients sitting in different time zones.

In short, AI handles a myriad of customer queries faster than you can say “customer satisfaction.” (Try it!) 
B2B companies are discovering new ways to enhance their customer support and engagement strategies. But is AI truly a good option for this purpose? Let's delve into how AI can revolutionize B2B retail customer support and engagement and explore the potential benefits and challenges.

The Role of AI For B2B Customer Support

With every 1% increase in customer satisfaction, the customer retention rates increase by 5%.

If you are in B2B retail, you know what can be a game changer? Customer satisfaction! Don’t confuse it with a nice bonus to have, it’s apparently the key to unlocking the full potential of your business growth and success. When your customers are happy, they stick around, buy more stuff, and rave about your business to anyone who will listen.

In fact, a statistic indicates that with every 1% increase in customer satisfaction, the customer retention rates increase by 5%. B2B bigwigs understand the imperative this fact holds. Keeping customers happy isn’t just about selling them stuff, it’s about ensuring top-notch support every step throughout the customer journey. 

By putting customer satisfaction front and centre, businesses can build meaningful relationships with their customers and stay ahead in the competitive market. And guess what? AI is making it possible!

Check out a few of the key areas where AI can play a substantial role:

  • Ready When You Are: 24/7 Customer Support

One of the most important advantages of AI is it’s there for your customers to provide round-the-clock support. With AI chatbots for B2B and virtual assistants, anyone can get help with anything, anytime, day or night. No more, "Please note, our customer service team is available during business hours" as AI helps your business be available and operate across different time zones. 

  • Quick Fixes: Efficient Query Handling

The best thing about AI for B2B customer support is that it has the capability to analyse and respond to a vast array of common customer questions in no time. Thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), AI can understand and process customer requests quickly and accurately. This entails that human agents can focus on more complex issues while AI is speeding up the response time. A win-win scenario every B2B retailer must experience!

  • Tailored Just for You: Personalised Customer Interactions

“Hey, I get you” is probably the most comforting thing to hear, whether personally or professionally. 68% of customers anticipate personalized interactions in every encounter. That’s what AI does on behalf of your business. It digs into buyers’ past behaviours, purchase history and preferences to provide them with tailored responses and recommendations. This level of personalisation can significantly enhance the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhancing B2B Retail Customer Engagement with AI

If you are in the B2B retail world, you must know what the magic of engaging with buyers can do for your ROI. Businesses that prioritize exceptional customer service have the potential to surpass their market peers, achieving revenue growth rates 4% to 8% higher than their competitors.

Let’s take an example to understand the significance of ‘customer engagement’ better: Do you think Nike’s buyers think even twice before grabbing a pair of shoes? Hardly.

Nike keeps nailing the art of engaging with their buyers. They believe in creating an experience; from personalised product recommendations based on buyers’ past purchases to motivational messages, Nike engages with their buyers like they reign supreme. In short, you not only need to build a community around your brand, but you also must make your buyers feel like a part of it.

Beyond transactions, AI customer engagement tools play a pivotal role in enhancing B2B retail. Here’s how:

1.  Predictive Analytics

AI can analyse large datasets to identify trends and predict future behaviours. This predictive capability allows businesses to anticipate customer needs and proactively offer solutions or products. For instance, if an AI system identifies that a particular client regularly reorders a specific product every few months, it can send timely reminders or offer bulk purchase discounts.

A home goods retailer utilised predictive analytics to understand the purchasing patterns of customers inclined to make repeat purchases. By tailoring a loyalty program specifically for these customers, they witnessed a remarkable 15% boost in customer retention and a substantial 25% increase in revenue, as demonstrated in a case study by Graphite Note.

2.  Automated Marketing Campaigns

AI can automate and optimize marketing campaigns, ensuring that they reach the right audience at the right time. By analysing customer data, AI can segment audiences and deliver targeted content that resonates with each group. This targeted approach can lead to higher engagement rates and more effective marketing efforts.

3.  Feedback Analysis 

AI can process and analyse customer feedback from various channels, including emails, social media, and surveys. By identifying common themes and sentiments, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement. This real-time feedback analysis enables companies to address issues promptly and improve their overall customer engagement strategy. However, on another note, you can also use an AI form generator to create forms and collect feedback.

AI in B2B Retail Customer Support & Engagement: What are the Benefits?

Benefits of AI for B2B retail engagement

AI is becoming an important tool for businesses to connect, engage, and support their clients in the ever-evolving retail landscape. 64% of business owners are confident that AI will enhance customer relationships. Dive in and understand how it is so:

1. Cost Savings

By automating routine tasks and queries, AI reduces the need for a large customer support team, leading to significant cost savings. Businesses can reallocate these resources to other critical areas, driving overall efficiency.

2. Improved Efficiency

AI systems can handle multiple queries simultaneously without compromising on response quality. This scalability ensures that businesses can efficiently manage high volumes of customer interactions, especially during peak times.

3. Enhanced Customer Experience

With faster response times, personalized interactions, and proactive engagement, AI significantly enhances the overall customer experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal and recommend the business to others. More than 90% of business buyers emphasize that a company's customer experience holds equal significance to its offerings.

Also Read: Using AI for Demand Forecasting in B2B Supply Chains

Challenges & Considerations for B2B Retailers


Challenges in implementing AI for B2B customer support

While the benefits are clear, there are also challenges to consider when implementing AI in B2B customer support and engagement:

1. Initial Investment

Developing and deploying AI systems requires a significant initial investment. Businesses must be prepared for the costs associated with AI technology, including software, hardware, and training.

2. Integration with Existing Systems

Integrating AI with existing CRM and customer support systems can be complex. Businesses need to ensure that AI solutions seamlessly integrate with their current infrastructure to avoid disruptions.

3. Maintaining Human Touch

While AI can handle many tasks, maintaining a human touch is essential for building strong customer relationships. Businesses must strike a balance between automation and human interaction to ensure customers feel valued and heard.


AI tech is rapidly becoming the top choice when it comes to implementing B2B customer engagement solutions or support solutions. Businesses stand to gain from AI tools that offer faster response times, personalised interactions, and predictive insights. However, businesses should not forget to address the elephant in the room: data privacy, security concerns and the human touch. Once your business finds a way to deal with these hurdles, there's no limit to the heights of growth and success they can achieve.

All in all, AI is a game-changer for B2B retail customer support and engagement. It's reshaping the way businesses operate, making things faster, smarter, and more personalised than ever before. So, AI? Definitely a good option!

Note: It’s not just about being available, it’s about being efficient, too!

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